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交通运输工程—Graham Currie
 文章作者: 发布时间:2015-03-24 浏览次数:3325

Professor Graham Currie - Professor of Public Transport, Institute of Transport Studies, Department of Civil Engineering, Monash University


Prof Currie is a renowned international Public Transport research leader and policy advisor with over 30 years experience.He has published more research papers in leading international peer research journals in this field than any other researcher in the world.He is founder of the ‘World Transit Research’ clearinghouse (www.worldtransitresearch.info)which has consolidated all research in this field into a single accessible source and is now used by over 7,000 towns and cities in over 170 countries worldwide.Professor Currie has worked for some of the worlds leading Public Transport Operators including London Transport, and he has managed numerous Public Transport research and development projects internationally.


Professor Currie is associate editor of the international research journal Transportation andis Chair of US Transportation Research Boards sub-committee on International Developments in Light Rail Transit.He is also a member of UITP (International Association of Public Transport) Academic Network.In 2013 Professor Currie won the inaugural William B Millar prize for best research paper from the US Transportation Research Boards Annual Meeting in Washington DC, the largest transport conference in the world.In 2013 Professor Currie also had two research papers in the top 20 most cited papers of the leading international research journal; The Journal of Transport Geography.


Professor Currie is also a specialist advisor to international agencies on planning transport for major special events and has worked on all the summer Olympic Games since 1996 and the Hajj pilgrimage in Mekka, KSA.


Professor Currie specialises in research on transport futures, methods to evaluate major infrastructure projects, methods to improve the efficiency and effectiveness of transport system design and operation, research exploring factors influencing travel behaviour and the social and economic influences and impacts of travel.


Professor Currie has a wide range of planning experience in China and has acted as an advisor on several research projects for the World Bank including assignments in Beijing, Shenyang and Loyang.He is currently leading teaching in the Masters in Transport Systems course on Public Transportation in Shuzhou as part of the Monash University – South East University collaboration in China.

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