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我院薛澄岐教授作为 Top speaker嘉宾率队精彩亮相2017世界可用性大会
 文章作者: 发布时间:2017-11-16 浏览次数:3866

 我院薛澄岐教授作为 Top speaker嘉宾率队精彩亮相2017世界可用性大会

Professor Xue Chengqi as the top speaker guest led his team to attend 2017 World Usability Conference

 2017年10月10日至15日,薛澄岐教授受邀作为顶级演讲嘉宾率队参加W2017世界可用性大会(WCU)。WUC作为用户体验设计领域世界顶级的国际会议,旨在展示前沿应用技术、激发创造灵感。会议邀请来自全球富有革命性的领军企业家富有影响力的专家学者,在世界卓越的科技人才、企业家和研究学者之间搭建沟通桥梁,为未来相互协作提供无限可能。会议邀请了GOOGLE、NASA、麻省理工MEDIALAB、东南大学、微软、亚马逊、HTC、宝马、Autodeskbooking.com、摩根斯坦利等著名企业和高校研究所。薛澄岐教授是WUC会议近3年来受邀的第一位中国学者,也是本次会议唯一国内专家,20162017连续两年获得大会主席Hannes Robier邀请。

On October 10, 2017, Professor Xue Chengqi as the top speaker was invited to participate in the 2017 World Usability Conference, which is the world's top international conference for user experience design. It aims to display frontier application technology and inspire creation. The conference appealed to some revolutionary entrepreneurs and influential experts and scholars from around the world, which has a highly possibility to build a communicational bridge for future collaboration between the world's talented scientists, entrepreneurs and research scholars. The participants included representatives of GOOGLE, NASA, MIT MEDIA LAB, Southeast University, Microsoft, Amazon, HTC, BMW, Autodesk, booking.com, Morgan Stanley and other famous enterprises and university research institutes. During the past three years, Professor Xue Chengqi is the first Chinese scholar invited by the WUC conference chairman Hannes Robier for two consecutive years and also the only domestic expert of this conference.


 At the conference, Professor XUE Cheng-qi delivered a speech entitled Neuroscience - Biblical Thinking and Biblical Thinking, which aimed to discuss the cross-integration of brain science in the design field and the derivative research branches and fields. Professor XUE also elaborated on the definition of neural design, the objects of study, the impacts on traditional design, the complex cognitive problems, the key technology, the usability assessment and etc. The report was highly praised by the experts of the conference.

       英特尔公司新技术集团(NTG)首席技术官Bruce Horn先生(前苹果公司技术总监,乔布斯同事,主持并开发了GUIMacintosh Finder桌面图形用户界面)与薛教授就AI时代复杂信息系统人机交互界面的设计进行了饶有兴趣的交流和探讨。现场企业专家代表也针对报告内容与薛教授进行了深入交流,期待未来有进一步合作。

  Mr. Bruce Horn, Chief Technology Officer, Intel Corporation New Technology Group (NTG) (former Apple Technical Director, Steve Jobs, presided over and developed GUI, Macintosh Finder desktop graphical user interface) made an interesting exchange and discussion with Professor Xue about human-computer interaction design on AI complex information system. On-site business representatives also made a deep communication with Professor Xue on report and was looking forward to further cooperation in the future.

      会议期间,薛教授带领吴闻宇和牛亚峰两位教师对来自世界各地不同企业的技术人员进行了复杂信息系统数字界面设计的workshop硕士课程培训,在专业和生动有趣的指导下,学员们细致认真的完成了各项设计任务,最后来自IBM和AMAZON的两名学员脱颖而出,获得薛教授和大会主席Hannes Robier先生颁发的东南大学纪念品。

        During the session, Professor Xue, leading teachers Wu Wenyu and Niu Yafeng, made a workshop for technical staff from different countries, which is a master training program about digital interface design of complex information system. Under the professional and vivid guidance, all staff seriously accomplished the design tasks. Finally, two of them from IBM and AMAZON stand out and won Southeast University souvenirs awarded by Professor Xue and conference chairman Mr. Hannes Robier.


 Through the report on the 2017 WUC conference and the workshop of academic communication, it expands the international influence of industrial design of Southeast University and has made a good foundation for future international cooperation.

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