Associate Professor Chung-Hsing Yeh works in the Faculty of Information Technology at Monash University.
He joined Monash University in 1985 to undertake research in computer based production scheduling and completed his PhD study in record time with the best possible result. His research in the development of manufacturing management software systems has yielded a number of key algorithms which incorporate Just-in-Time concepts to achieve practical, effective production scheduling.
He has taken up a number of academic positions at Monash, including Research Assistant in 1986, Tutor in 1987, Lecturer in 1989, Senior lecturer in 1994 and Associate Professor in 2000.
Research & Supervision Interests
Multicriteria Decision Analysis.
IntelligentDecision SupportSystems.
Fuzzy Logic and Neural Network Applications.
Performance Evaluation.
Transport and Logistics Systems Planning and Management.
Operations and Production Planning and Management.
Risk Analysis and Management.
Knowledge Discovery and Management (Information Mining).
Multilingual Information Processing.
Software Localisation and Internationalisation.